Travel Blues…But Not For Long!

January 9, 2021

It’s January 2021. The New Year is here. I normally get very excited & I am. What do we tell our groups though? Our groups and volunteers ready to fly all over the world. What do I tell our group leaders all lined up for their upcoming mission trips in 2021? What do we tell our schools and colleges? We could not travel due to Covid.

Covid Year; “A Year” I have relished because we got to understand our own business better. As much as we thought we were in charge, we went back to school. I almost- almost want to say; “I told you so” but I won’t.

We have been telling our group leaders and student groups and youth pastors; 1 thing- over and over again this past year. “Put Hope On Calendar”;  Well-good news is; we are almost there. As we speak; our passengers are getting ready to apply for the new passports. CDH and other government bodies; all of them working very hard to synchronize everything; every detail. Airplanes are being cleaned up; washed up; polished; all Covid-clean inside out. Airports are getting cleaned up, 6 feet signs are “everywhere”. Sanitizers are readily available without charge-free-finally.

So don’t lose heart; put hope on the calendar; get your group meetings going on. Start praying and planning; because you will certainly will be flying this summer!

Interested in booking group airfare with City Express Travel? Receive a travel quote today!